Loyal readers will know that I’ve relied upon a NAS (Network Attached Storage) drive for many years. First, let’s talk about NAS drives in general and then I’ll talk about where they fit into my workspace. The short answer is that a NAS drive is a...
Hardware Archives
Learn about our favorite computer hardware and other electronics that can help you around the office or the house.
A couple of months ago I wrote Foster’s Dream Computer 2024 Is Being Built about the new computer I had ordered. I listed each of the major components in the computer as well as some of the new accessories I’d ordered to go with it. Today I’m going to talk...
I have ordered a new computer and it should be shipping any day now. This post will detail each of the components in the new computer should you want to get a similar computer. For this system, I ordered it from J & N Computer Services who custom build machines....
Loyal readers know that I’m a huge fan of controlling things in my home via app and voice. I’ve had Alexa and smart plugs controlling things for at least five years now. Today I’m going to talk about smart bulbs and how they can provide even more...
In 2022 I’ve covered more than 50 products. Some of those products I’ve purchased and used and others I haven’t. Today I’m going to recap the four products that I purchased and enjoyed the most in 2022. They will be listed in chronological...
It sure seems like almost any conversation with someone in a different location involves talking about the weather. While that small talk may not be that important, it can be important to know what is going on in your location. Is it raining? Snowing? Windy? Hot?...
Each year technology marches on and we get newer and faster components for our computers. Today we’re going to discuss the latest iteration of Intel’s top processor and the power it brings. I’ll include links to purchase it from Amazon and I do...
I have what I consider a big monitor on my desk. It is 4K and 43 inches diagonal. Yes, it takes up a large amount of desk space. Today we’ll look at something much larger and it may be just what you need for the ultimate in productivity. I’ll include an...
In the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures are dropping and a warm beverage tastes really good! Of course that could apply to morning coffee at any time of year. Today we’re going to talk about a mug that will maintain the temperature of your beverage so the final...
Every computer needs a power supply. In many ways they can seem one of the most boring components in a computer. But should they fail or make too much noise, you won’t be a very happy user. We’ll look at some good options should you need a new PSU for an...
I lived in a home for 22 years that had a built-in security system. During that time, I never connected the system to a monitoring service. But I did activate the system when I was away from home and I did appreciate the system would beep anytime someone opened an...
My part of the world got a lot more rain than normal this year and specifically during the month of September. If April showers bring May flowers then September showers must bring October mosquitos! My neighborhood has sprayed several times and yet the number of...
Computer cases are the most visible part of the computer itself and they also serve important function to house all the components and keep them functioning. Today we’ll look at a case that delivers great performance and a very good price while still looking...
I bought my very first projector nearly 30 years ago and I traveled all over the US with it to present seminars. Over time I bought several more with the most recent being an HD projector that I still use occasionally today. Over time they have gotten brighter, higher...
As a child, video calls and meetings were only something seen on the Jetsons. Now they happen most every single day for me and I’m sure they are more common for all of you. Today we’ll look at a webcam that can improve those calls for you while not...
In the last month I’ve logged a lot of miles on the road and many nights in places other than home. During that time, it was important to keep all my devices charged and that meant having a source of power along with good charging cables. Today I’ll talk...
I’ve always felt the monitor was one of the most important components of a computer. When budget decisions needed to be made, I allocated a little more to the monitor because of its importance. Today we’ll look at a 4K monitor that may need to be in your...
When you are putting together a computer, getting the right RAM and enough of it is very important. Today we’re going to look into the future crystal ball a bit for some great RAM. It is highly unlikely it will work in your current computer. But it will be...
We’ve talked about external hard drives more times that I can count. Most of the time it is because the features have improved since the last look. This time is different as it is a “collectible” drive. Yes, there will be an Amazon link if you want...
How many of you enjoy cold beverages at your desk? I know I do! The challenge is that you may have to wander off to the main refrigerator to get one. Today we’ll look at a couple of small refrigerators you can keep at your desk. In fact, both can easily go with...
I recently wrote in My Experience Upgrading to Windows 11 that my portable CD/DVD player wouldn’t work in Windows 11. That means I need to find an alternative that is compatible if I want to be able to use CDs or DVDs with my laptop. I found one with that...
I last bought a new phone in 2017. That phone was replaced via warranty in 2019 with a slightly newer model. While my current phone has served me well, I resisted a newer phone because it would mean not having a headphone jack. I understand why the jacks were removed...
Over the years, I’ve had a variety of speakers connected to my computer. My most recent set has five small satellite speakers with a subwoofer. Today we’ll look at a soundbar designed specifically for the computer. There are fewer pieces and it can still...
Most of us have lived a life connected to the power grid. Should there be a power outage, it is a major inconvenience to say the least. Going camping often means going without power at all, at least that has often been the case for me. Today we’ll look at a way...