I’ve been very happy with a Brother inkjet printer I got a couple of years ago. It has served my needs very well. But it isn’t a laser printer so when I saw the headline Start your printer shopping with this cheap, reliable laser printer, I wanted to know...
Hardware Archives
Learn about our favorite computer hardware and other electronics that can help you around the office or the house.
I’ve done a handful of posts about 40+ inch 4K monitors in the past. Before too long, I’ll get one for myself as my current 30 inch monitor is more than a decade old and is showing signs it may not last a lot longer. Each time I research the category, I...
While I was moving my stuff into my future home in Loreto, a lot of little projects were completed so it will be just right for me. One of those projects was to automate some things so they can be controlled via voice. I’ll discuss the various products involved...
Over the years I’ve purchased quite a few data projectors to use while teaching. All of them could also be used for video and I did use them to watch a big game on a giant screen. Resolutions continued to go higher and the projectors have gotten smaller and less...
Recently I was asked by a loyal reader about laptops I’d recommend. Keep in mind that I rarely pay attention to what is available except when I’m buying one for myself. I last upgraded my laptop in January 2016 and went with the Dell XPS 15. While Dell...
I don’t know how electric bills work where you live, but I’ll describe how they work in my area of Arizona. Our rates are lower during “off-peak” hours and higher during “peak” hours. For more than 20 years, my rates dropped at 9pm...
I hope you’ve all gotten a chance to read my post entitled The Open Door Leads Online and South. Part of that message is that I’ll be spending a lot more time in Loreto, Mexico. It is a somewhat remote area so I started looking at the possibility of a...
Do you remember where you were the last time there was a solar eclipse? I remember it exactly and I can’t wait for Monday to see the next one. I’ve included some photo and viewing tips. There are also some very interesting maps. Hate filled the last few...
No matter what business you conduct in what location in the world, there are always government rules that can get in the way dictate how you do business. Recently the Federal Trade Commission modified their rules above how those of us who talk about products must...
Loyal readers will remember in the Charge Your Smartphone or Tablet Wirelessly With QI Wireless Charger post I mentioned that a new smartphone was on order. My new phone has been in my hands for a week now and I’m loving it. What does someone do with their old...
I had a project recently where I shot some images of jewelry for a company selling their products online. As most of your are doing design work, this might be a project you’ll undertake some day. Even if you don’t shoot the pictures, I wanted to talk about...
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 has been released and I’ve been bombarded by questions via every method imaginable. As today is our designated “hardware” day for the blog, I’m going to focus on answering some questions related to the hardware...
Today’s post is a combination of a tip and a hardware product. Hopefully you spend some time on a regular basis keeping your computer clean in a digital manner. I gave you one such suggestion about Disk Cleanup a few days ago. In addition to keeping the digital...
Many users are confused about PostScript (PS) printers and why they can be useful for a designer. There are features of CorelDRAW that will only output on PostScript printers. The one most often desired by users is the ability to control the halftone screen when...
If you expect me to give you an absolute answer to the question of build versus buy, I won’t be giving it to you. The right answer for you could be different than the right answer for someone else. Instead, I’m going to give you some of the pros and cons...
Now that CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 has been released, I’ve been bombarded by questions via phone and e-mail. As today is our designated “hardware” day for the blog, I’m going to focus on answering some questions related to the hardware...