I always keep headphones in my travel backpack. Sure, they get used when I’m not traveling. I just make sure to keep them in my backpack so I have them on the road with me. When I went on my last trip, I reached into my bag to get the headphones and they had...
Hardware Archives
Learn about our favorite computer hardware and other electronics that can help you around the office or the house.
I have to admit I wasn’t a huge fan of reading books on a screen when the idea first appeared. Now I do almost all of my book reading on my tablet. The most popular device for pure reading is Amazon’s Kindle and today I’ll tell you about the newest...
Throughout my life, I owned a number of rubber garden hoses. They all fail. Plus they are really heavy. Today I’ll discuss an alternative that provides more durability and is lightweight. Yes, I’ll provide an Amazon link which does earn me a small...
It’s been a few years since I’ve needed to purchase a new router. When I last purchased one, I wrote Best Router for Most People – TP-LINK Archer C7. That router is still serving me quite well, but it has been replaced. Today we’ll talk about its...
It never fails. I get a call every week from someone needing a file from year’s past. Why do they need it? Their hard drive failed and they had no backup! Folks, take backup seriously! Today I’ll share a very compact drive that fills the needs of many of...
I feel very lucky that I’ve had the opportunity to travel to many worldwide destinations in my life. When I was young, it wasn’t that big of a deal to plug in devices when I traveled. Now it is a really big deal and there are so many different standards....
For those working in the world of graphics, pushing pixels around on screen and pushing more of them is important. Obviously the faster you can push them, the better. As you see the name of products, you’ll often see “Gaming” as part of the name and...
I’ve never felt there were enough USB ports on my computer and I certainly don’t enjoy crawling under my desk to use them. This means a hub is a necessity for me. I’ll share one of my favorites. No, I didn’t get a free one. If you purchase...
Amazon recently started an influencer program for those who have a large following. This is similar to their Associates program, but serves a slightly different purpose. Unleashed has been a member of the Associates program since the 90s and this means that we can...
In the various places I’ve lived in my life, I’ve experienced a variety of different air conditioning (and heating) units. Each of them has a different type of controller. Currently I have what are called “mini splits” where part of the unit is...
I got my first wireless phone charger nearly four years ago. It still serves me well, though it isn’t my primary wireless charger. Since that time, more phones support wireless charging and the technology has improved. If I needed to get a new charger, I know...
Smartwatches and fitness trackers have been around for a few years now and I happily sat on the sideline until I found the one that was just right for me. I finally decided to get one of my own a couple of months ago and went with the Samsung Galaxy Watch shown at...
Last week I told you about some of my favorite products in 2018. Today I’ll cover the rest of my favorites. These are products that I’ve written about in my Hump Day Hardware blogs and that I have actually purchased and love. Yes, there are Amazon links...
Ideally I write 52 posts about hardware in any given year. I’ve missed a few weeks so there haven’t been quite that many posts. Some posts I write about products that I have purchased, while others talk about products that I think are great values in a...
Throughout my life, I’ve always had an ice maker in my refrigerators. I can’t tell you how exciting it was to get a new fridge that dispensed ice and water on the front of it. I probably didn’t realize how much I loved it until I didn’t have it...
I’d have to really dig to find out when I bought my first tablet. It was at least five years ago. I waited until I saw a sale I couldn’t refuse and got an eight inch Amazon Fire tablet for “only” $109. Back then, that was a huge bargain. Today...
About a year and a half ago I told you I was getting a doorbell for my home in Loreto Bay, Mexico. As there is a outdoor garden area between the door and the house, it is next to impossible to hear anyone knocking on the door. I now have a doorbell and chimes for two...
Just recently I noticed the battery going dead in one of my vehicles. The desert is brutal on batteries and their lifespans aren’t as long as elsewhere. When batteries die, there often is little to no warning. If you aren’t prepared, you’ll need to...
I’ve written a number of posts about Alexa devices and things you can control with them. In each previous article, only a single thing could be controlled. Today I’ll share a device that can control multiple devices. There will be a link for which I earn a...
How often do you have a power outage in your home or office? How many of those power outages are less than five minutes in length? I’m going to guess that I’ve had to deal with around ten of those short outages a year. Some only last a few seconds. But...
Who doesn’t want the fastest computer possible? I’ve yet to meet such a person. It has been four years since I last updated the guts of my computer and I’ve been researching what it takes to get the speed I desire. Are these the absolute fastest...
I don’t know about you, but I can never have enough power strips. Even when I have one, it isn’t always one that can handle the plugs I’ve got. Today I’ve got a really good one to tell you about. Yes, there are links to Amazon from which I earn...