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Tech News Digest for June 14, 2019

There was a lot of news about ways to get packages to you, including robots! Speaking of delivery, will someone deliver men (or women) to the moon again soon? How many historic recordings went up in smoke? These and many more stories are found in his week’s...

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Recharge Your AA Batteries and New Prince

I was talking with a client on the phone recently when the batteries on the cordless phone died. There are other handsets, but it took me a couple of minutes to get another one so that I could continue speaking with the client. Ugh. I’ll tell you what I ordered...

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Tech News Digest for June 7, 2019

The Apple WWDC took place and that means we are overflowing with Apple news this week. As the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 nears, you’ll see more about it. This week, that means a new Lego set. The Nik Collection of Photoshop plugins lives again! Happy National...

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Tech News Digest for May 31, 2019

We’re a bit late to the game, but Graphics Unleashed is now on Pinterest. We have a lot more pins to add, but it is a nice start. Summer is starting to roll in and that means there is bit of a lull in news. You’ll find a few headlines to help you stay safe...

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Tech News Digest for May 24, 2019

The May Windows Update is starting to roll out and we have the details. Amazon wants to send you to space in addition to their other services. Florida men and their cars got into more trouble. Sprint and T-Mobile are merging? These are just a few of the stories...

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