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Tech News Digest for February 1, 2019

Yes, of course there is some crazy news from Florida. You’ll also find a number of headlines related to health issues. Throw in a ton of news about new and existing phones and it was a full news week. Those aren’t all the headlines so make sure to look...

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Tech News Digest for January 18, 2019

The big names in tech are well represented this week as we have multiple headlines about Microsoft, Google, Facebook and more. Yes, there is yet another weird headline from Florida. Throw in more news from the Consumer Electronics Show and this is a pretty full...

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Tech News Digest for January 11, 2019

The big tech event in the beginning of each year is the Consumer Electronics Show and we’re in the middle of it right now. New products are debuted, though some of them never materialize. There are plenty of headlines below from CES and from galaxies far away....

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Don’t Fall for Facebook Hoaxes


Maybe my Facebook friends are more gullible than most. If they are less gullible than average, I can only imagine how many hoaxes other see their friends post. It is just crazy to me that so many people keep falling for the same stupid hoaxes over and over again....

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