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Tech News Digest for January 4, 2019

I hope all of you enjoyed some time with your friends and family to celebrate the changing of the calendar to 2019. My evening was spent on the beach with a nice meal and entertainment from Pancho Sinatra. Yes, there was weird news out of Florida again in the last...

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Tech News Digest for December 28, 2018

Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy Watch, Huawei Watch GT and even Facebook Watch are covered in stories this week. A TV that rolls up? A package that farts and sprays glitter! Better phone photos and a historic photo. All of these are in the last Tech News of 2018. Click on...

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I’m Loving My Samsung Galaxy Watch

Smartwatches and fitness trackers have been around for a few years now and I happily sat on the sideline until I found the one that was just right for me. I finally decided to get one of my own a couple of months ago and went with the Samsung Galaxy Watch shown at...

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My Nightmare with Quicken Bill Pay

I long ago forgot when I started using Quicken. It was at least the early 90s and possibly the late 80s. Yes, it has frustrated me many times. Earlier this year I was frustrated enough to try an alternative product. I gave that other product a few months and it was...

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Tech News Digest for December 14, 2018

No funny stories about Florida today, but there is a really good one about a guy from Arizona. Lots of news from space including some awesome sounds and photos. Edge is dead, is Firefox next? HAL 9000 comes to life. The Leaning Tower of Pisa straightens up. Then there...

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My Favorite Hardware of 2018, Part 2

Last week I told you about some of my favorite products in 2018. Today I’ll cover the rest of my favorites. These are products that I’ve written about in my Hump Day Hardware blogs and that I have actually purchased and love. Yes, there are Amazon links...

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Tech News Digest for November 23, 2018

I hope all of you in the US had a great Thanksgiving and those elsewhere had a great week. I wasn’t trying to find more weird Florida stories and yet a story found me. Facebook has been all over the news, including their Instagram subsidiary. Martha Stewart and...

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