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Backup Power for a Smooth Shutdown

How often do you have a power outage in your home or office? How many of those power outages are less than five minutes in length? I’m going to guess that I’ve had to deal with around ten of those short outages a year. Some only last a few seconds. But...

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Tech News Digest for August 31, 2018

I liked last week’s format of breaking headlines into two separate blocks so I’m gonna stick with that format going forward. Don’t forget to scan both blocks to catch up on all the tech news and fun headlines from the past week. Mercedes’...

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Tech News Digest for August 24, 2018

Each week I build a list of articles that I will include in Tech News. This week that list grew out of control in the first few days. Therefore you’ll see I’ve broken the headlines into two separate chunks below so the list doesn’t seem quite so...

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