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Diving With Sharks in Moorea

There are many people who anxiously await Shark Week each year on the Discovery Channel. I’m probably not as addicted to it as others, but I am fascinated by sharks. This got me thinking back to January 2005 when I got the opportunity to dive with sharks. Even...

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Automating a House with Alexa Devices

While I was moving my stuff into my future home in Loreto, a lot of little projects were completed so it will be just right for me. One of those projects was to automate some things so they can be controlled via voice. I’ll discuss the various products involved...

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Tech News Digest for May 18, 2018

Drunken mice? Beer in space! A new Windows 10 release. Apple and Samsung are again fighting in court. Did your mom lie to you? These stories and much more are covered in this week’s Tech News. Click on the headlines below to get the full story. Walmart’s deal to...

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Tech News Digest for May 11, 2018

Another week and more rumors of new phones in the works. Klout is circling the drain. Voice assistants continue to spread and evolve. Which wine do you order? All these headlines and many more are in this week’s news. Click on the headlines below to read the...

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Tech News Digest for May 4, 2018

May the fourth be with you! Yes, it is Star Wars day and I’ve got the latest in tech news for you. T-Mobile is buying Sprint. A big new Windows 10 update is available. Facebook is still all over the news. And we mourn the loss of a very old spider. Click on the...

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