If you see this error like I did in the dialog below… especially when running CorelDRAW after a Windows update – you may be able to fix with this file. Download, and extract all files to desktop, and read instructions inside. This file installs...
Jeff Harrison
while our software packages listed below has features for this: ecutrStonesLEDtool My suggestion is to always draw lines manually, for the most control and the most refined curves. How do I do it? This technique. The software listed above depends node positions for...
One of the incredible features of the monstermerge macro is surely the imposition section. I think it’s an awesome value in it’s own right. The history: The main reason it exists was so that we could preserve hyperlinks in exported PDF files (interactive...
This is very likely the most popular macro in the history of CorelDRAW: Select Same 2 There was a bug with form (dialog) position in X6 – Shelby Moore fixed it. Now it opens in the same position was when it was last used. If you find it useful, please consider...
Note for past customers: your previously issued key must be entered again for X6 installs… find your system key we emailed before for your specific system. Or use another key. We issue 3 keys for each sale. In addition to working in X6, here is a new feature for...
Letters such as the following are very nice to receive! Thanks! Kind Sir, Thank you for all that I have learned! Your tips make the world a better place. I have been reading your Daily Diversions for some time–first through the Graphics...
I’ve used the GIF animation component of Photo-PAINT for quite some time. It’s a bit mystifying at first. The following sample was created in Photo-PAINT X6, primarily using the Smear Tool. One of the best things you can do to stay same is to assign some...
Here’s a video of the symmetrical macro for CorelDRAW which shows my favorite mode. Watch in full screen and HD if possible, for best clarity.
Since the color replacement features in Photo-PAINT are OK, but not great, I’ve found a free solution that works very well since it has many more controls. Especially Fuzziness. The examples on the plugin page don’t do it justice, so I made a video. For...
We’ve all seen them. While the visual goal is the same, the terminology is quite different between Corel and other programs. Adobe calls these Gradients. Corel uses the term Fountain Fill. What does this mean? Many years ago, I asked around about why they call...
Make a new document in Photo-PAINT. Draw some lines or make some text. Select it using the mask tools. Launch the Artistic Media Sprayer tool (I is the shortcut key) Right-click on mask outline. choose Brushstroke from Mask Watch video below for the basic steps…...
I was recently interviewed by a prominent Corel artist named Stefan Lindlblad. Read it here.