Do you have an account at If so, it’s time for you to make an avatar if you don’t already have one. You can upload it through your profile, look for a tab that is labeled Avatar.
1. Find an image you like. It can be anything. Open it in Corel Photo-PAINT.
2. Run the Image | Resample command so that it is no larger than 80 Pixels in the widest or tallest dimension. Why do it now? For the next step….
3. Use the Effects | Sharpen Adaptive Unsharp command to restore detail that was lost during downsampling. You may need to enter 100% for the sharpen value.
4. Save your avatar as a 24-bit PNG file (without any masks or transparency). It will be converted to Jpeg by the site automatically. If you send a jpeg of your avatar, then it will be compressed twice… not good.
NOTE: If you want a Square Avatar, some methods are to either;
A. Open your original high resolution file. Select the Crop Tool. Press and hold the Control Key. You should be able to make a perfectly square crop. Double-Click inside the crop. Then go to Step 2 above.
B. Add or delete some “space” around your image by using the Image | Paper Size command. Make the width and height numbers the same. You can pan the image around inside the dialog. Then go to Step 2 above.
Enjoy, and I hope to see your cool new avatar!