Tutorial Archives

We share tutorials on getting the most from your software.

Week of Tech Disasters and Solutions

The local weather was spectacular a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to take a day off to have some fun. So I planned a day of scuba diving that Friday to end the week on a high note. The diving went well, but the day before was the beginning of some tech disasters....

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Failure of Sending Email Newsletters

Loyal readers may have noticed that our weekly newsletter has not landed in your inbox for the last two weeks. Maybe you didn’t notice, but it was certainly a great concern in our office. We can only hope the problem is corrected on the next sending. We’ll...

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Make Improvements to Your Business Self

This is the last part of a four part series on self improvement. Make sure to check out the first three parts: Skills to Improve Yourself and Your Life, More Skills for Improving Yourself and Make Improvements to Yourself. Here are six more posts covering various...

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Make Improvements to Yourself

This is the third part of a series on improving yourself. The first two parts can be found at Skills to Improve Yourself and Your Life and More Skills for Improving Yourself. Here are six more posts covering various methods of self improvement. Click on the titles to...

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More Skills for Improving Yourself

Last week I wrote Skills to Improve Yourself and Your Life. Below are six more posts covering various ways you can improve yourself. Click on each of the titles to read the full post. Flow State: What it is and How to Enter It How to Change Yourself for the Better How...

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Skills to Improve Yourself and Your Life

We can all improve our lives in a variety of ways. There are some areas where I have a lot of information to share. In other areas, someone else has a lot more expertise. Over the next few weeks I’m going to share a series of posts with information on improving...

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My Nightmare with Quicken Bill Pay

I long ago forgot when I started using Quicken. It was at least the early 90s and possibly the late 80s. Yes, it has frustrated me many times. Earlier this year I was frustrated enough to try an alternative product. I gave that other product a few months and it was...

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Converting My Photo Into a Cartoon Avatar

For the past few years, I’ve been using a photograph for all of my online profiles. The photo was taken in 2015. While it was still a good representation of me, I was ready for a change and decided to go for a big change. Since I liked the photo, I decided I...

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Updating Graphics Unleashed Blog Posts

This blog was started in 2005 and has undergone a couple of moves over the years. Now that it has a dedicated home at graphics-unleashed.com, it was time to go back and repair old posts. I wanted to describe why the problems existed and some of the ways they were...

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Metallic Headers Easy to Create

I was working on a project recently where I wanted to create headers referencing four different types of metal. I’ll start with the finished images and then I’ll discuss how they were created. First, I needed to know what color represented each kind of...

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