Each week I visit hundreds of Web sites. I see some great ones and I see some that need a lot of help. There are also many sites somewhere in the middle that need some tweaks to improve drastically. As I spend my days building sites for clients, I thought it would be...
webdesign Archives
I think every Web designer is guilty of uploading an image that is a high resolution than what is needed on a Web site. Yes, I’ve done it more times that I can count. There are some mistakes that are far more costly than others. Today I’m going to go over...
I know that when some people hear the GoDaddy name that it doesn’t always bring a positive response. It could be the risque commercials of the past or maybe it was an experience with their products or services. Yes, GoDaddy is aware that some have a less than...
Even a large entity such as the U.S. Postal Service can have graphics that are sub-optimal. Compare the difference for how the logo appears as of July 1/2016, relative to how it should look: Why does it look blurry? The logo is a fixed dimension PNG file, but...
One of the most important elements of our Vehicle Templates Unleashed Web site went missing last week and quite a few customers let us know about it. This sent me searching for a solution to bring it back. Let’s first go over what was missing and how it is...
When someone comes to our Web Design Solutions Unleashed site and has interest in having us build or makeover a site for them, the first question is always about the cost. It is also one of the hardest questions to answer without knowing a lot of details about the...
A few weeks ago, I was approached by a reporter from the Phoenix Business Journal. He was a long-time followed of Unleashed and had purchased some of my CorelDRAW books. As a follower, he was aware of some of the changes we’ve undergone in the past couple of...
Whether you have no Web design experience or you are an experienced developer, there is always something to learn to improve your skills. Part of the learning involves the tool or tools used to build a site, but there is also a lot of knowledge about making a site...
I know many of you don’t want to hear this and some will even dismiss what I have to say. Corel Website Creator (X5 or X6) is just not a good choice for designing a Web site. I’ll go over the pros and cons so you understand why I have such a negative...