After all the years and version changes, I still find it odd that Adobe has put a limit of around 227 inches on their files. I wrote about this in Large Dimension PDF Files are Fine, Adobe is the Problem back in 2011. For those of you working in metric, that is around 5.75 meters. It applies to Adobe Illustrator, PDF files and other Adobe software.
I was working on a fairly basic floorplan in CorelDRAW. Yes, I could draw the floorplan to scale and that would be my only option with Adobe’s solutions. Yet in CorelDRAW, I can draw everything to the exact size needed. For what I was doing, I created a page size of 50 feet square. That’s around 16 meters for those working in metric. It is far less than the page size limit of 150 feet square. Below is a sample of the floor plan graphic.
Once I have the exact floor plan; I can add furniture, electrical outlets or anything else I want designated. Unlike a typical blueprint, I can also use as much color as I desire. If you’ve never used really large dimensions in CorelDRAW, give it a try. It allows you to do so many projects that you may not have thought possible.
While convenient to create it can create difficulties. We just printed out a 4’x50′ vinyl sign for which the large format printer requires pdf as the input, we scaled it down to 25% and then back up at the printer. However some artwork had to be adjusted to be scalable. It would be so much more convenient if the limitation were removed from pdf’s. Of course with it costing $1700.00 U.S. to pay for a Caldera printer RIP upgrade I may be a few more years to actually make the change if it becomes available.
As I explained in the linked post, it is not PDF that is the problem. It is Adobe’s failure to follow the PDF specifications. The sad reality is that many RIPs rely on Adobe’s broken products which creates the problem you described.