If you have ever imported a PDF file with longer blocks of text into CorelDRAW, you’ve probably noticed that each line of text is a separate object. Sometimes you will even find several objects for each line. This isn’t the fault of CorelDRAW’s import, that is simply how PDF files are made.
There is a workaround to rebuild blocks of text. Select each line (or pieces of the line) in the order in which you want them to appear in the finished block of text. This means you can’t marquee the select the text. Once it is all selected, Combine (Ctrl + L) the text together. You’ll probably see all the text stacked on top of itself. It isn’t as bad as it looks. The line spacing of the new text is set to zero. Go into the Paragraph Formatting Docker and change the spacing to an appropriate number and the text will look great. You could even convert the block into Paragraph Text (Ctrl + F8). If you do that, you’ll have to delete the returns at the end of each line. But going forward, you can add or remove text as you please and it will reflow correctly.