One of the things I cover in my CorelDRAW X5 Unleashed Advanced Topics book are a list of common typographic mistakes and ways to avoid them. Some of them are pretty simple, eliminating double space characters as an example. Others are mostly eliminated when you type text in CorelDRAW. An example of that is putting in typographical quotes instead of foot or inch marks. What got me to thinking about this is a Typography Checklist put together by Upper and Lower Case Magazine. Thank to loyal reader Joseph for alerting me to this checklist.
Not only do they give you a very nice list of typographical mistakes to avoid, they also provide a PDF file you can download and print to use as an actual checklist. If you make it a habit to go through this list on your projects, the typography will be technically correct. That alone won’t make the project look great, but it sure helps you get closer to perfection.