Vehicle wraps are a hot usage of graphics software. The artwork to wrap a vehicle can easily be created in CorelDRAW as well as Adobe Illustrator and a number of other signmaking programs. In many cases, the client wants to see what their vehicle is going to look like before they sign off on the design. That’s where it can be important to create a 3D rendering and that can be done in just a few minutes. Today I’m going to link to five tutorials showing you the steps and details for tweaking the rendering.
- How to Create a 3D Vehicle Presentation
- Design of Side and Rear Windows
- Render Options for 3D Vehicle Template Renderings
- Animation Options for 3D Vehicle Template Renderings
- Using Background Images in 3D Vehicle Template Renderings
Note that these renderings are not created in the software used to create the artwork for the wrap. They take the 2D drawing you’ve created and make it into a 3D rendering, including animations. Before I get bombarded by questions, they do require that you use specific templates to design the 2D view and specific software for the rendering. All of that is provided in a single package. While the tutorials are free, the templates are not. You will see just how easy it can be to create an amazing 3D rendering in 5-10 minutes!