I had the pleasure of doing a radio interview yesterday with Andy Taylor (not the sheriff in Mayberry) of TechtalkRadio Network about the many ways CorelDRAW was used and how to best learn the software. Go ahead and go to the TechtalkRadio page where you can listen to the interview.
Since the interview covered some of our training products, I wanted to provide you some updates on upcoming books and new Boot Camp information.
Almost every day I get a question asking about CorelDRAW X5 Unleashed Advanced Topics and Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 Unleashed. I had hoped to have both of them available for shipping by now, but I’ve put in more details than expected and they are taking longer to complete. In the long term, that’s good for you as you’ll get more complete information. You’ll just have to wait a while longer. The most current information on the entire range of X5 books can always be found on the CorelDRAW X5 Unleashed page. If you haven’t already gotten CorelDRAW X5 Unleashed, get your copy today and start learning!
I wanted to share a quote from our most recent CorelDRAW Unleashed Training Boot Camp. “Having taken training classes for other software packages, I would put this at the tops for absorbing concepts. Then you case you miss anything, which you will not, the handout is exceptional in every way and can be eternally referenced because you take it with you! Highly recommended. Better yet, requirement if you intend on using Corel correctly!–Eric Wolf”
Thanks Eric for sharing your thoughts. If that isn’t enough to convince you to join us for an upcoming Boot Camp, I also wanted to share that we recently got a new data projector that shows CorelDRAW in full 1080p HD. That may be a higher resolution that you have on your own computer. This allows you to see everything even more clearly than before on the ten foot screen. We have also added three more dates to the 2011 schedule. The new dates are February 17-19, April 7-9 and May 12-14 in 2011. There are still spaces remaining in the December 9-11 Boot Camp.