1. Open Open Office
2. Open the word doc
3. Save it as Open Office doc (It carries .ODT extension as opposed to .DOC)
4. Close it and close Open Office
5. Go the folder where you have saved it.
6. Rename the ODT extension to ZIP extension
7. You will be warned that the file will unusable. Ignore the warning and proceed.
8. Now you unzip it.
9. You will have all the files of the images in a sub folder named “Pictures”.
It's actually even easier: just copy the image from the Word document. Go to Corel Draw and select Edit/Paste special/Picture (Enhanced Metafile). Easy as a pie.
Jeff, just right click on the Word image, select "Save as an Image File" from the menu, and save to the folder of your choice. It's simpler than Seena's approach.
hi Lars, sometimes I've seen some garbage results when pasting from Word to Draw, even with enhanced.
Eric, That might work for a few images. but sometimes people load up Word files with pics.
I have seen garbage results also, but that is usually if you select Metafile, not Enhanced Metafile.
Word 2007 is essentially a Zip file, and can accomplish the same end without Open Office. Simply change the .docx to .zip & open with a Zip program. You'll find the images under wordmedia.
For anyone wondering what the reason is for doing it this way: using the "save as image file" option will result in Word resampling/reformatting/re-encoding your image or whatever, so that's not really a desired result in many cases. Copy-pasting from Word to Photoshop or Corel Draw will result in basically the same thing – the image is altered, even if it's not totally garbled. And yeah, you could totally do the same thing if you have a newer version of word and you just save the .doc to .docx and rename that to a .zip file.
So yeah, thanks for the tip!