I’ve done several posts about 1000 True Fans. Most recently it was in a post titled Another Look at 1000 True Fans. In those posts, I have often talked about a band that is a favorite of mine. Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers are a good example because they...
Foster D. Coburn III
On most weeks I tell you about a single new font. Occasionally there is more than one. Today, it is a family of six fonts. Occoluchi comes with Regular, Italic, Outline, Italic Outline, Minicaps and Spread weights all in a single download. I’ve always had a soft...
I still remember the day I set foot in a typing class back in 8th grade. Part of that class was learning the rules of typography as they applied on a typewriter. Many people still follow those rules even when laying out type on a computer.There are some things that...
I can’t believe that 2011 has already passed the halfway point. Of course it is obvious summer has arrived in Arizona when we are expecting temperatures near 120 degrees tomorrow. Whew, that is hot! Another thing we have in the desert is a lot of lizards. They...
The problem I’m about to describe is most obvious to those in the sign industry. It can certainly affect any user, though most designers don’t use large enough dimensions to hit the limit. Let’s go over this “problem” and how to avoid it....
Anyone creating artwork for vehicle wraps is in need of vehicle templates so that the art can be create to fit the vehicle. We’ve offered the templates for quite some time and I’m excited that we’re able to offer many more for a lower price. In fact,...
When I saw the name of this font, I immediately thought of the Zamboni machine that cleans the ice. Was this font named after the guy who drives the machine somewhere? I really have no idea if there is a connection between the two. Zamboni Joe is actually a family of...
Hopefully you all have the shortcut keys for Copy (Ctrl + C) and Paste (Ctrl + V) memorized. I’m guessing I use them at least 100 times a day. There are times when the regular Paste command needs to be avoided.When you copy data to the clipboard, it is often...
I just got back from seeing Rush in concert so my adrenaline is flowing and my ears are ringing. What a show! Two weeks ago I featured the Daddy Longlegs font that may be useful for a show poster because it was so thin. Today I have another thin font, Namesake NF,...
One of the things I cover in my CorelDRAW X5 Unleashed Advanced Topics book are a list of common typographic mistakes and ways to avoid them. Some of them are pretty simple, eliminating double space characters as an example. Others are mostly eliminated when you type...
Being from Kansas, I saw a lot of tumbleweeds blowing across the road. They certainly aren’t unique to Kansas as I’ve seen them many other places. Today’s font, Tumbleweed MF, is a brush font that is designed as if painted with a tumbleweed. If your...
Obviously the best way to deal with corrupt CorelDRAW files is simply to never have a corrupt file. Before we talk about what you can try to do to revive a corrupt file, I’ll talk about some things you can do to avoid them in the first place. For reference,...