Software Archives

It may be a small utility or possibly the software upon which you run your business. We’ll tell you about our favorites.

Irfanview Bitmap Viewer


Three weeks ago I asked loyal readers to list some of their favorite utilities. One of the utilities mentioned was IrfanView and I was thrilled to see that I wasn’t the only person who loves it. I wrote about it in September 2008 and in August 2009 so I’m...

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CorelDRAW X5 Service Pack 1 In The Works

I don’t think it should come as a surprise that Corel has been working hard to complete the first service pack for CorelDRAW X5. The bigger questions are when it will be available and what will be included. Gerard Metrailler has answered some of those questions...

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Industry Standards

I often hear people talking about how something is an industry standard. Unfortunately they don’t always do a good job of backing up that statement. I’ll provide a few examples and then I hope you’ll post your thoughts. For this discussion,...

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