Importing AI, EPS and PDF with CorelDRAW X5

February 25, 2010

I feel that one of the biggest reasons to upgrade to each new version of CorelDRAW is to get the latest and greatest import and export filters. Today I’m going to focus on three import formats that users feel are extremely important and talk about some of the changes that have been made in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5.

AI Files: CorelDRAW X4 could import files from Adobe Illustrator CS3 and earlier. But it could not open files that were saved with compression. Unfortunately the compression is turned on by default in Illustrator so files had to be opened and resaved in Illustrator before they could be used in CorelDRAW. CorelDRAW X5 can import files from Adobe Illustrator CS4 (the most recent version) and earlier. More importantly, it can work with compressed files. This means you have a much better chance of being able to import Illustrator files than you did in the past. Just keep in mind that files with more complex types of objects and fills are less likely to be fully editable when imported.

EPS Files: CorelDRAW X4 could import EPS files saved in PostScript Level 1 or 2 format. But it couldn’t work with files saved with PostScript Level 3 data. CorelDRAW X5 has included support for the Ghostscript engine which allows it to successfully import EPS files with PostScript Level 3 data.

PDF Files: CorelDRAW X4 could import unprotected PDF files saved through Acrobat 8. CorelDRAW X5 can import files saved in Acrobat 9 format (again the most current version).

Given the importance of all three of these formats, you should find that CorelDRAW X5 has made dramatic improvements when importing. Want to give it a try for yourself? Download the trial version and import a few files to see how it works for you. If you are ready to buy, remember you can use the coupon code UNLEASHEDFEB to save 10% if you buy before the end of February. Yes, that code is perfectly valid. If you copy and paste, make sure an extra space doesn’t come with it and make sure you enter it in all caps. For those in the US, also use the coupon code COREL99 to get free shipping. Users in Canada can get free shipping with the code CORELC99.

Post Discussion


  1. Giftmugs

    Yesterday I downloaded and installed the Trial Version of Corel X5 suite to see what this new version had to offer.
    Today I had to uninstall all of the X5 suite because the X5 installation is not independent and autonomous from, let’s say X4.
    It seems X5 puts itself into part of X4, hence I now seem to have a mixture of X4 with X5 and/or vice versa. This is hardly acceptable and X4 should run completely independed from X5, just as the various Adobe programs do.

    Today I opened Draw X4 and from there tried to open Photo Paint X4 as I did for the last 2 years as there I run/have some macros and scripts with which I need to work dayly. Unfortunately now, the link in Draw X4 opens FP X5 and FP X5 will not work any more.

    Maybe I should again wait and skip one version of any Corel Product.

  2. Foster D. Coburn III

    The behavior you describe is not unique to CorelDRAW X5 and it not what you believe it to be.

    When you select a bitmap in CorelDRAW and edit it, it will be opened in the LAST VERSION of CorelDRAW you installed. Since you had installed CorelDRAW X5 last, it was the version of PHOTO-PAINT that was launched.

    This has nothing to do with the new version TAKING OVER, it is because the CPT file format is associated with X5. This is the fault of Windows which only allows a file extension to be associated with a single program.

    You could have reassociated CPT with X4 if you had simply “repaired” the install of X4. Or you could have change the file assoociations. Basically, there are ways to keep X4 linked to X4 if that is your goal. That said, Draw X5 would then use Paint X4 for bitmap editing.

  3. Giftmugs

    Thanks for your quick reply and I fully understand your reasoning.

    Unfortunately this is not whatI was looking for in that I have now to “repair” a program what was running 100% before I installed a newer trial version.

    Again, many thanks for your reply.

    Nevertheless, I have to keep working and producing and hence had to uninstall the trial version as it would take me just too much time to re-create in a trial version what I already created over a 2 year period in a 100% working application.

    It’s sort of sad that existing settings, scripts and macros are not automatically brought in. This would eliminate this problem alltogether.

    But this is only one user’s view.

  4. Foster D. Coburn III

    OK, so let’s say that Corel automatically imported macros from a previous version. Those very same macros may not be compatible with the new version. Users would be screaming at Corel when their macros didn’t work when it was simply because the macro developer needed to update them.

    Doing a “repair” install on X4 takes all of about 2-3 minutes if even that long. I’ve done it many times with many versions of CorelDRAW.

    It is a trial version. Something for you to try out in hopes that you’ll purchase. Part of what I try with any new software (from Corel or others) is whether the add-ons I have will work with the new software.

    The behavior you describe is exactly the same as it has been in previous versions whether a trial or the purchased version.

  5. Giftmugs

    Ok, but it is just soooo sad that you experts do not listen. You only defend the status quo of an existing product – good or bad.
    If Corel (and company) would only listen more to its loyal customer base, it just might be more successful and have a future.

    If I could use some of my exiating scripts from a previous version in the new, free test download, I just might buy the new version right away, but not if I have to first fiddle around for hours in a trial version.

    Look, any e-mail client these days imports custom settings (even from competitors’ programs) even though some might not work, but some do. That’s the point.

    This is what a modern program should be able to do; and any link in Draw X4 should only point to another X4 product…file extension default or no.
    Is this too much to ask for?
    ….Or maybe one should point the PhotoPaint link in Draw to PhotoShop instead.

    Please accept these observations in the spirit they are being offered. Thank you for providing this discussion platform.

  6. Foster D. Coburn III

    It isn’t that we aren’t listening, we are trying to give you solutions.

    First, the problem with CorelDRAW X4 launching Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 is something that is tied to a problem in Windows. When Microsoft rectifies the problem then things will work as you want. I have offered solutions for you to manually override it now if you choose. Just like you are upset that X4 is linking to X5, others would be upset of Draw X5 were to link to an older version of PHOTO-PAINT. Do I like the way it works? No. I just know it is the reality based on a flaw in the design of Windows.

    As for bringing forward your content from previous versions, I have suggested this to Corel more times than I can count. Yet things like macros are something that would cause huge problems if they were automatically brought forward. What if the macro only works in the old version? Corel brings the macro forward for you and you complain to Corel that the macro doesn’t work. Unless it is one of Corel’s own macros, it isn’t their fault.

    Believe me, I understand your frustration. I also understand the support headaches involved if Corel were to do things a different way.

    If you don’t feel I understand, then you haven’t seen my systems. On my XP box, I have seven different versions of CorelDRAW installed. On my Windows 7 machine, I have three installed. I can’t install CorelDRAW X5 on my XP box as it would break DecoStudio completely. For that reason, I wouldn’t even attempt to run CorelDRAW X5 on the XP box since it would cause headaches with production.

  7. Christinaen10

    I have been using 5 now for a couple weeks
    what I have notice is

    * you can use a lot of the old macros only as a hot key, if you put a short cut icon (tool bar) they will not work.

    * Ai file work some much better.

    * PDF seem to work worse (if from Ai)

    * scale problems start in a scale lets say .5″=1′ group a bunch of objects intersect a piece of them put it next to your object. and scale them to full size 12″=12″ the intersected piece will go crazy.

    * when selecting a object in an object, right click and bring up the menu go to bring to front and you selected piece will jumb to the largest item around it.

    so far thats the fun I’ve been having

  8. Anonymous

    Im trying to import pdfs created in Adobe ID in to Corel x5 but the tabing and text positioning jumps out of correct position, ive checked the pdf and all info is the correct places

    Is there any thing i can do to solve the problem
    Been saving the pdf to pdf/x-1a:2001

  9. Foster D. Coburn III

    Most likely there is nothing to easily fix that. The way that PDF data is written, each individual line of text is a separate object. If the program creating the PDF used special spacing, even individual words and/or characters can be saved as individual objects. This can make it nearly impossible to edit.


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Foster D. Coburn III

Foster D. Coburn III built his first Web site in 1995 and he has been working exclusively in WordPress since 2013. He has used the Divi theme exclusively since 2015. Earlier in his career he was the author of 13 best-selling books on CorelDRAW and has been a contributor to numerous technology and graphics-related magazines. Foster has taken many projects, including this Web site, from the early design stage through to a finished piece. He has been a featured speaker at many graphics conferences.
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