Text Merge Challenge

Written by Jeff Harrison
September 12, 2012

Anything involving CorelDRAW merges is of interest to me. Since, at macromonster.com we have 3 different macros for merging images. The one I helped develop, the most powerful, is called monstermerge.

Anyway, there was a question in the CorelDRAW forums regarding basic text:

“I’m attempting to create a tag system that will have a 5 digit number, but must be printed as shown below:


We have to create a file to be engraved that has 2000 consecutive numbers. We can’t figure out how to make them appear stacked using the merge feature.  Any ideas?”

My creative solution:

  1. rotate field
  2. select and rotate characters 90 degrees
  3. increase spacing
  4. make sure field is center justified
  5. center field on page
  6. merge to new doc

if you need a file with leading zeros, numbergen makes awesome merge data for CorelDRAW.

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Jeff Harrison

Jeff Harrison is a media "Jack-of-all-trades", familiar with most of the major media applications on the Windows platform. Whether it's 2D/print, 3D, audio, video, or web-related - he's working on mastering everything that comes his way. He's a past Alpha and Beta tester for Corel, and has instructed students from all over the world. He runs the popular MacroMonster.com site, the #1 place for CorelDRAW macros. Also check out his youtube page, and his gallery at coreldraw.com.
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