It seems like there are a lot of hackers going after your money and identity in a variety of ways. It may be a pop-up, it may be fake news or it could be a JPG file. Below are stories on all three. Users of iOS devices are seeing lots of calendar spam and there is a way to stop it. Folding smartphones, curved phones and personal airplanes are all on the horizon. These headlines and more are listed below. Click on the headline of interest to get all the details.
- Beware! Malicious JPG Images on Facebook Messenger Spreading Locky Ransomware
- Q&A: How Facebook targets its users with ads
- Airbus to Build a Personal Airplane by 2020
- Report: Curved OLED iPhone “one of 10 prototypes being considered”
- How to stop the wave of Apple Calendar invite spam
- Ransomware, hacktivism, dronejacking and other threat predictions from McAfee
- Android malware infects 1 Million phones globally
- Apple using drones to catch Google Maps, report says
- Why Samsung May Release A Foldable Smartphone Next Year — Even If It Won’t Make Them Any Money
- Hackers use typo-squatting to dupe the unwary with fake news, sites
- 3 gifts not to buy this holiday
- Don’t let sketchy pop-up ads scare you
If you see some important tech news that you feel we should share with our readers, please let us know and we’ll consider including it in our next post.