We spent so much time building our new Web sites that we haven’t released a new font pack in quite some time. A new pack, Fonts Unleashed Pack 7, is now available. The graphic below shows a sample of each font family included in the pack and there are 103 total...
Fonts Archives
Looking for new fonts for your projects? We introduce you to some of our favorites.
As part of our big server move, the old Fonts Unleashed had to be removed. Re-creating all of those pages was just too much work with too little benefit. But I wanted to find a way to continue providing the fonts. Packs of 100+ fonts were already included as part of...
Today’s free font, Yukon Gold, shares the same name as a popular potato and a Canadian reality series. It is a very complex font that can be slow to render due to the complexity. Yet it could be the perfect headline font if you are looking for something rough....
https://fostercoburn.com/font-packs/Each time the font is a script font, it is very popular with loyal readers. Today’s font, HandmadeScript, is made to look just like someone’s casual handwriting. I think you’ll love it. Get your copy! Not sure how...
There has been a lot of dust and wind in the Phoenix area recently. That gets everyone around here coughing. It is almost as if they have a hairball and can’t get it out. So in that spirit, today’s font is named Hairball BRK. It features rough edges as if...
I saw the weirdest thing a few weeks ago when a middle-aged woman threw a tantrum more fitting of a small child. Hopefully none of you will react that way to the Tangrum Tongue font featured today. It is a very unique font that might be perfect for headlines in one of...
I’ve been away for a while and there haven’t been many posts recently. So it is time to return with a big family of fonts. There are ten weights in the Duvall family! Get your copy today! Not sure how to download and install fonts? Make sure to read...
The Wild Sewerage free font makes it look as if your vision is blurred. It is the perfect headline font if you want viewers to do a double take. Get your copy! Not sure how to download and install these free fonts? Make sure to read Downloading Fonts, Installing Fonts...
When I first saw the name of today’s fonts, Gorilla Milkshake, I immediately pictured a gorilla sipping an ice cold vanilla milkshake. Yet the font doesn’t really represent a milkshake or a gorilla. Just another set of fonts that kind of looks like it...
Loyal readers will know that I’m a huge fan of my Kansas Jayhawks. Next month the Jayhawks basketball team will be playing at Team USA at the World University Games in Seoul, Korea. So today I present the Seoul family of fonts as my tribute to Jayhawk...
Many of you may remember the television series Night Court and I bring it up because today’s font has the same Night Court name. Beyond the name, there is no connection between the font and the TV show. The font is simply a fun display font. Get your copy! Not...
I’m not sure I have a really good description of today’s font, Klytus. Each of the characters has a fairly thin width so a benefit of this font is that a long headline can fit in a tight space. Get your copy! Not sure how to download and install these free...
Everyone loves pirate-themed things, right? Today’s font is Treasure Map Deadhand and it is one of my favorite pirate handwriting fonts. Get your copy! Not sure how to download and install these free fonts? Make sure to read Downloading Fonts, Installing Fonts...
When I saw the name Incubus on today’s fonts, I immediately thought of the band of the same name. The meaning is a demon in male form. I don’t know if the font is any of those, just three variations of a cool handwritten font. Not sure how to download and...
I usually try to have a funny story about the font featured each week. But when the font is named Jiggery Pokery, nothing at all comes to mind. All I can tell you is that it is a symbol font with a bunch of interesting little pictograms. Not sure how to download and...
I’m sure there are days, weeks and months where you feel like you are working nonstop. How would you like some fonts that are Nonstop? That’s the exact name of the two fonts offered today. Each of them features outlined characters that could be perfect for...
The “goth” look has been in and out of style in recent years. Similarly, gothic fonts have had runs of popularity. Today’s font, Gothic, fits the bill if you need that look for your projects. Get your copy! Not sure how to download and install fonts?...
There are most likely quite a few of you who cut vinyl. And probably several of you are named George. Maybe even a George who cuts vinyl. Today’s font, Vinyl George, is more of a grunge font that might just be perfect for your project even projects that...
Today’s fonts, Boopee, brings to mind the well-known cartoon character Betty Boop. So it is only appropriate that the fonts are handwriting fonts that would be a great fit for a cartoon. Get your copy! Not sure how to download and install fonts? Make sure to...
When I first saw the name of today’s font, Sofia, I immediately thought of the amazing Hagia Sofia in Istanbul, Turkey. I’m sure there is no relation between the two, I just connected them through the name. What you will find is another great script font...
I’ve been very lucky that I’ve had very few Xrays in my life. Most of them have been of my teeth. Today’s fonts are Xray Ted and they feature very narrow characters making them perfect for a long headline that needs to fit in a tight space. Get your...
As a kid, I loved to play with toys like an Erector Set, Lincoln Logs, Tinkertoys and Legos. When I saw the name of today’s font, Questlok, it immediately made me think it was tied to a similar kind of building toy. There is no connection to any of those awesome...
Today’s font seems to be a misspelling of the word Frisson meaning “cold chill.” I’m not sure if the Frission font will give you goose bumps, but it will provide you with a nice headline font for your projects. Get your copy! Not sure how to...
Much of the work I’ve been doing lately has been related to designing Web sites for Unleashed as well as for clients. When a theme is chosen for a site, it often has fonts selected as the default for the site. Two different themes we’ve been using often...