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Tech News Digest for March 6, 2020

Coronavirus is all over the news and it has certainly disrupted the tech world in a big way. We’ve got a few headlines below about how it has affected the industry. Ransomware needs to die, but people are still getting infected and paying. Alphabet is looking...

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Tech News Digest for February 28, 2020

When I started doing the Tech News blogs more than four years ago, I had no idea they would grow to include so much information. The early blogs may have had 10-15 headlines in total and now it has grown to more than 50. No, I haven’t counted them so that number...

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Tech News Digest for February 21, 2020

Alligators, sharks, octopuses, lions, flying dogs and snails all found their way into this week’s news. The 72dpi myth needs to die already! Would you like to help me rob a bank on our first date? Those are just a few of the big headlines included this week....

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