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Tech News Digest for May 31, 2019

We’re a bit late to the game, but Graphics Unleashed is now on Pinterest. We have a lot more pins to add, but it is a nice start. Summer is starting to roll in and that means there is bit of a lull in news. You’ll find a few headlines to help you stay safe...

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Tech News Digest for May 24, 2019

The May Windows Update is starting to roll out and we have the details. Amazon wants to send you to space in addition to their other services. Florida men and their cars got into more trouble. Sprint and T-Mobile are merging? These are just a few of the stories...

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Tech News Digest for May 17, 2019

WannaCry coming back? Windows and Linux playing nice together? You have an alligator where? Should Facebook get broken into pieces? The Stones will be rolling again soon? There are just a few of the many stories covered in this week’s Tech News. Below are all...

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My First Ten Years on Twitter

What did you do on May 9, 2009? I don’t remember much about that day but it was the day when I first created a Twitter account. On that day, I had no idea what I was going to do with it. Twitter was the hot new social media platform and it was time I got...

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Tech News Digest for May 3, 2019

It seemed to me as if the number of headlines I was including each week was growing at a rapid pace. When you look at a very long list of headlines, it can look like a blur. So I’ve organized things a little bit different in today’s Tech News. Headlines...

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