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Tech News Digest for June 2, 2017

There was a lot of convfefe in the news this week. Thankfully there was also a lot of more interesting news in the world of technology. Click on the headlines below to get the full story. Android creator Andy Rubin’s Essential Phone looks stunning and will cost $699...

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Tech News Digest for May 26, 2017

Star Wars came out 40 years ago? Really? Wow, I feel old. iPhone 8, Sprint and T-Mobile, AT&T and short GoT episodes. Yes, a lot of phone-related news again this week. A new drone, sandwich definitions, Mister Rogers cardigans and much more are covered in this...

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Tech News Digest for May 19, 2017

This week was absolutely dominated by the WannaCry ransomware attack. If you are on Windows XP, PLEASE upgrade now! If you don’t have really good anti-virus software, PLEASE get the awesome ZoneAlarm Extreme Security Suite. And for those who aren’t backing...

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Tech News Digest for May 12, 2017

Getting the Tech News out last week was stressful with my computer not working. Now it is working well and I tried to find a little bit extra for this week’s edition. There is food, both chicken nuggets and tomatoes. You’ll find competing home automation...

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Tech News Digest for May 5, 2017

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! This week’s edition of Tech News has fewer headlines than normal. I installed the latest Windows Updates and now my primary computer won’t boot. So I’ve had to spend time getting it running again. Thankfully the data is all safe....

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Tech News Digest for April 28, 2017

Just when you count out Blackberry, they are back. Is it too little too late? And when we thought Net Neutrality was settled, it is back on the table again. Quarterly announcements have come, who is making money and who isn’t? Those are just a few of the stories...

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