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Tech News Digest for April 17, 2020

Much of the US has been locked down for more than a month and it is still uncertain when it will be safe to get back to even a little more freedom. I hope all of you are well and have been able to keep yourselves busy. Below are the latest headlines from the world of...

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Wacom One Digital Drawing Display

I’ve been using a graphic tablet to interact with my computers for more than 25 years and have owned a number of different tablets during that timeframe. Today we’re going to look at a Wacom tablet that integrates a display so that you can draw directly on...

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Tech News Digest for April 10, 2020

I’m used to working at home, but not being able to get out and have fun is a bit maddening. Even going to the grocery store is a scary adventure. That hasn’t stopped the news and I’ve got it below. Sprint and T-Mobile are finally together and there...

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Tech News Digest for April 3, 2020

I hope all of you are staying healthy in these trying times. Beyond the pandemic, there were some other big stories this week. Sprint and T-Mobile are finally merged. Zoom has become a vital part of many working from home. You’ll find links to numerous stories...

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