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Tech News Digest for January 19, 2018

It’s the week after the Consumer Electronics Show and things have slowed down in tech news. While it may be quieter than normal for a week or two, news will pick up again soon. Below are some of the biggest headlines, along with obscure info, from the past week....

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Tech News Digest for January 12, 2018

There was a lot of news this week coming from the Consumer Electronic Show (CES). And bad news with all the processors flawed with Spectre Meltdown. Check out the latest headlines below and click to read the full stories. A laptop with three days of battery life:...

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Tech New Digest for January 5, 2018

There was a week hiatus during the holidays where we didn’t publish Tech News. That simply means there are more links than normal in this week’s edition. Click on the headlines below to read the full article and get updated on all the latest in Tech. Do a...

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Tech New Digest for December 22, 2017

We are in the middle of the holiday season when some things slow down and others are non-stop. I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and do well on your Festivus feats of strength. I’m going to take a break from blogging until early in 2018 so I’ll...

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Tech New Digest for December 15, 2017

Unfortunately I didn’t get out a Tech News digest due to a very full slate of projects. I’ll try to include more links today. Before I get into the news of the week, I have some tragic news to pass along. Loyal readers may remember the many training guides...

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Tech New Digest for December 1, 2017

A big nasty bug his MacOS this week and a fix was out soon afterwards. Bitcoin prices are still going crazy, why? Alexa is everywhere, even in the office. These are just a few of this week’s headlines, click on the headlines below to get the whole story. The PC...

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