by Foster D. Coburn III | Apr 17, 2019 | facebook, Hardware
I watching with fascination as a kid when predictions showed we could make video calls at some point in the not too distant future. It didn’t happen as quickly as predicted, but the reality is that I made video calls on nearly a daily basis. I suspect many of...
by Foster D. Coburn III | Jan 14, 2019 | facebook, mondaymailbag
Just a few days ago I wrote Don’t Fall for Facebook Hoaxes and threw some of my friends under the bus for being gullible enough to fall for the hoaxes. It only took two days until one of them fell for another one! Below is the text of the message they sent me via...
by Foster D. Coburn III | Jan 10, 2019 | facebook, Tip
Maybe my Facebook friends are more gullible than most. If they are less gullible than average, I can only imagine how many hoaxes other see their friends post. It is just crazy to me that so many people keep falling for the same stupid hoaxes over and over again....
by Foster D. Coburn III | Jan 24, 2017 | facebook, Tutorial
Did you know that Facebook quietly changed the pixel dimensions for cover photos of Facebook pages a few months back? I didn’t realize it at the time, though I did notice a small change in how things displayed. For reference, the old size was 851 pixels wide by...
by Foster D. Coburn III | Apr 4, 2013 | facebook, Just For Fun, Tip
If you use Facebook, you’ve probably seen others including graphic emoticons in their comments or in a chat message. Do you know the keystrokes for these emoticons? I’ve put together a graphic showing all of them below, along with the keystrokes to get...