Tip Archives

You’ll find our favorite tips to get the most out of your hardware and software.

Keyword Your CorelDRAW Files

When you create a new CorelDRAW file, do you put keywords in it? I know some users are very diligent about this though most have probably never done it. Select File | Document Properties and you’ll find where you can add a number of pieces of information. Each...

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Creating a Double Outline

I often see users asking how to create a double outline (or triple or quadruple). It really is pretty simple. Use the Contour feature in CorelDRAW to add however many steps (outlines) you want. Sometimes the outline you want is white. Break apart the Contour group...

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Decrapify Your New Computer

I’ve told you about the problems I had with buying a new laptop and what I did to resolve the problem. As part of my job of preparing a computer for use, I always format the hard drive and start with my own copy of Windows. That isn’t an option for...

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PDFs Are Not Native Files


It is very common these days that graphic artists are working with PDF files. Artists assume because the file looks perfect in a reader application that it can be imported flawlessly for editing in CorelDRAW (or Adobe Illustrator). That just isn’t the case. A...

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Want CorelDRAW Speed? Uninstall Fonts!

Not a day goes by that there isn’t a user complaining that CorelDRAW just isn’t as fast as they’d like. There can be a variety of reasons for things going slow. Sure, it can be CorelDRAW itself. It can also be an underpowered computer. Yet one of the...

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Delete Extra Stuff to Speed Up CorelDRAW

Some users notice that CorelDRAW is much slower for them than for other users. One area in particular that can be slow is using Copy and Paste. There are some hidden problems in some files that can cause things to slow down drastically. It will take you a little while...

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Protect Your Artwork

I got a call yesterday from a loyal reader who was very frustrated that his artwork had been used without his permission. I’ll go over a quick strategy that allows you to provide a higher-quality proof to your clients without having to worry about them stealing...

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Proper Artwork Creation in CorelDRAW

Some users have the process of producing a finished piece for sale to clients completely backwards. I hope that the story I’m about to tell doesn’t describe you. A few weeks ago a user was having problems creating color separations for screen printing....

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Don’t Create Massive CorelDRAW Files!

I heard from a loyal reader the other day. He had created a CorelDRAW file bigger than 2 GB. The file was loaded with images in the form of contact sheets. Now the file won’t open, won’t import and the user wanted to know how to recover the data within. It...

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An Alternate Way to Pan in CorelDRAW

Some users pan their CorelDRAW drawing window with the scroll bars. Others use the Pan Tool. But there is a quick way to do it from the keyboard. Hold down the Alt key and press one of the arrow keys on your keyboard. Your screen will pan in that direction. Need to...

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A Journey of CorelDRAW Education

I get questioned at least once a day about the best way to learn CorelDRAW. I’m sure that is because I’ve been providing training on CorelDRAW for more than seventeen years now. Typically the question comes with comments about how the user needs to use...

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Break Up Long Documents

CorelDRAW can do so many things that I often find users wanting to create really long documents such as magazines and books with it. I don’t feel it is the best tool for the job, but I certainly can’t convince users of this.If you are going to create that...

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Use Object Hinting To Improve Web Graphics

One of the new features added to CorelDRAW X5 is Object Hinting. What is that you might ask? Let’s say you have a rectangle that will be used as part of a graphic on the Web. The outline of the rectangle doesn’t neatly align with the pixel grid. That means...

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Combining Text in Imported PDF Files

If you have ever imported a PDF file with longer blocks of text into CorelDRAW, you’ve probably noticed that each line of text is a separate object. Sometimes you will even find several objects for each line. This isn’t the fault of CorelDRAW’s...

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Importing AI, EPS and PDF with CorelDRAW X5

I feel that one of the biggest reasons to upgrade to each new version of CorelDRAW is to get the latest and greatest import and export filters. Today I’m going to focus on three import formats that users feel are extremely important and talk about some of the...

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Memory and CorelDRAW

As much as I’ve tried to inform CorelDRAW users about the useless Memory setting, I still see it referenced on a regular basis. So I’m going to ask all of you to read a post from 2008 titled Memory Usage Setting Does Nothing. The most recent reference I...

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Welding Text in CorelDRAW

I had a user ask me a question about a week ago and the answer is something that may benefit many of you. He was wondering if there was a way to type text in a script font and somehow turn it into something that only had the outlines of the characters and not the...

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Keyword Your CorelDRAW Files

When you create a file in CorelDRAW and save it, do you make sure to include keywords in the file? I’m guessing most of you not only don’t include keywords, you may not even realize their importance. Today I’m going to try and clear that up for you....

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JPG is NOT the Answer for All Web Graphics

There was someone who often promoted themselves as an expert in CorelDRAW and still claims to be a guru in the world of graphics. Yet this person has often made a horrendous mistake with the main banner on their Web site. It isn’t because they don’t know...

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Run Your LCD Monitor at Native Resolution!

I covered the topic of running LCD monitors at their native resolution a little over a year ago. It is an extremely important topic that I’m going to discuss again today because of a phone call I had recently with a student from a previous CorelDRAW Unleashed...

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