Tech News Archives

The weekly Tech News Digest covers some of the biggest headlines in tech news. If you want to stay updated, these posts will help.

Tech News Digest for January 18, 2019

The big names in tech are well represented this week as we have multiple headlines about Microsoft, Google, Facebook and more. Yes, there is yet another weird headline from Florida. Throw in more news from the Consumer Electronics Show and this is a pretty full...

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Tech News Digest for January 11, 2019

The big tech event in the beginning of each year is the Consumer Electronics Show and we’re in the middle of it right now. New products are debuted, though some of them never materialize. There are plenty of headlines below from CES and from galaxies far away....

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Tech News Digest for January 4, 2019

I hope all of you enjoyed some time with your friends and family to celebrate the changing of the calendar to 2019. My evening was spent on the beach with a nice meal and entertainment from Pancho Sinatra. Yes, there was weird news out of Florida again in the last...

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Tech News Digest for December 28, 2018

Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy Watch, Huawei Watch GT and even Facebook Watch are covered in stories this week. A TV that rolls up? A package that farts and sprays glitter! Better phone photos and a historic photo. All of these are in the last Tech News of 2018. Click on...

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Tech News Digest for December 14, 2018

No funny stories about Florida today, but there is a really good one about a guy from Arizona. Lots of news from space including some awesome sounds and photos. Edge is dead, is Firefox next? HAL 9000 comes to life. The Leaning Tower of Pisa straightens up. Then there...

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Tech News Digest for November 23, 2018

I hope all of you in the US had a great Thanksgiving and those elsewhere had a great week. I wasn’t trying to find more weird Florida stories and yet a story found me. Facebook has been all over the news, including their Instagram subsidiary. Martha Stewart and...

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Tech News Digest for November 16, 2018

I’m not intentionally trying to pick on Florida, but it sure seems like all the weird news originates there including several more this week. Two entertainment legends died this week in Stan Lee and Douglas Rain. Thanksgiving and Christmas suggestion. Throw in...

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Tech News Digest for November 9, 2018

Science fiction has already come to life with smartphones and now the “foldable” phone may be just around the corner. Why are pencils yellow? Have you gone pantsless in a Waffle House ceiling or had the desire to swim with alligators? Reviews of the Kindle...

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Tech News Digest for November 2, 2018

There are beauty contests for camels? Apple releases a slew of new products. Microsoft struggles to release a stable update. Twitter and Snapchat losing users. These are just a few of the headlines you’ll find in this week’s Tech News. Click on the...

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Tech News Digest for November 1, 2018

This will be the final Tech News post catching up on headlines. Yes, there will be another post tomorrow with the headlines from this past week. Click on the headlines of interest to get the full story. Amazon Alexa location-based Routines turns on your lights when...

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Tech News Digest for October 28, 2018

As I said a couple of days ago, I got way behind on Tech News posts and so now I’m catching up. I was capturing all the headlines, I simply hadn’t added them to a post for a few weeks. Below you’ll find more of the headlines. Click on one of interest...

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Tech News Digest for October 26, 2018

I really dropped the ball and this is the first Tech News is nearly a month. While I hadn’t posted anything, I was collecting headlines the entire time. Now I have to catch up without creating a single post with so many headlines that your head spins. The posts...

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Tech News Digest for September 28, 2018

Between travel and some technical upgrades in the office, it has been three weeks since my last Tech News post. This one will be a little bit long and will include some news from prior to the last week. I have far more to share and it will come in future posts. As...

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Tech News Digest for August 31, 2018

I liked last week’s format of breaking headlines into two separate blocks so I’m gonna stick with that format going forward. Don’t forget to scan both blocks to catch up on all the tech news and fun headlines from the past week. Mercedes’...

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Tech News Digest for August 24, 2018

Each week I build a list of articles that I will include in Tech News. This week that list grew out of control in the first few days. Therefore you’ll see I’ve broken the headlines into two separate chunks below so the list doesn’t seem quite so...

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Tech News Digest for August 17, 2018

Bad reviews of national parks, food you can’t eat and food you shouldn’t eat. New Samsung tablets and phones along with phones that are insecure. The great lunchlady caper? Where did money come from? An old Mustang and old buildings memorialized. There are...

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Tech News Digest for August 10, 2018

Some weeks it just seems like a lot of headlines catch my eye and make it into the Tech News Digest. This week is one of the weeks where there is a lot of news. For headlines about a specific product, I’ve also included links to the product page on Amazon. Yes,...

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Tech News Digest for August 3, 2018

It’s been a long time since the last Tech News post. The process of packing and moving derailed me. Going forward, the posts should be back each week and I’ll do my best to hunt down great tech information as well as something interesting headlines. Look...

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Tech News Digest for May 18, 2018

Drunken mice? Beer in space! A new Windows 10 release. Apple and Samsung are again fighting in court. Did your mom lie to you? These stories and much more are covered in this week’s Tech News. Click on the headlines below to get the full story. Walmart’s deal to...

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Tech News Digest for May 11, 2018

Another week and more rumors of new phones in the works. Klout is circling the drain. Voice assistants continue to spread and evolve. Which wine do you order? All these headlines and many more are in this week’s news. Click on the headlines below to read the...

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Tech News Digest for May 4, 2018

May the fourth be with you! Yes, it is Star Wars day and I’ve got the latest in tech news for you. T-Mobile is buying Sprint. A big new Windows 10 update is available. Facebook is still all over the news. And we mourn the loss of a very old spider. Click on the...

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Tech News Digest for April 27, 2018

We didn’t publish Tech News last Friday due to the server problems we were having with the site. So this week’s edition contains two week’s worth of news. Click on the links below to read the full stories. Facebook shouldn’t block you from finding...

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