Tip Archives

You’ll find our favorite tips to get the most out of your hardware and software.

How to Create Your Own EBook


The world of publishing has changed drastically since my first book was released in 1993. Starting in 2003, I now publish all of my own books as the “traditional” publishers don’t bring any benefit for me. Often I am asked about the process and it is...

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The Importance of The Winding Rule

When I mention “The Winding Rule”, you may think it has something to do with The Beatles song The Long and Winding Road. It might make for good listening while I try to explain, but they are completely unrelated.When a curve is drawn as a vector graphic,...

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The Magic Weld Button

I’ve been editing some artwork lately that was very poorly created. As I work through it, I sometimes find a group of a bunch of objects where it should be one object. Luckily there is an easy way to fix these objects….the magic Weld key. Those of you who...

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Fun With Polygons and Stars in CorelDRAW

Some of the more basic tools in CorelDRAW can also provide some really cool results. I’ve been playing with the Polygon, Star and Complex Star tools and it reminded me what they could create because they all use symmetry when they are modified. If you move one...

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Get the Nudge Values You Want in CorelDRAW

When you first install CorelDRAW, there are a number of settings at a default value that Corel feels is best. You might agree and love those settings, you may feel that different settings are best for your workflow. The Nudge settings are one of the settings that...

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Organizing Your CorelDRAW Files

I saw a plea for help from a user that was a scary situation that many of us may face at some point. This user had recently started with a company that had “tens of thousands” of CorelDRAW files that were not organized in any way. Finding files was...

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CorelDRAW, Glyphs and Archives

I had a loyal reader ask me about an article titled Fun with glyphs at Before & After. It shows how a variety of alternate glyphs are selected from a font. The reader wanted to know if this was possible in CorelDRAW. The short answer is yes and it has been around...

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The Feature You Desire May Already Exist

Quite often I will use an e-mail or phone call I receive when writing a blog post. In this case it was a phone call from someone who wanted to know if there was a macro or add-on for CorelDRAW that would do a specific kind of product. The person was ready to buy if I...

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State the Correct Version Number

A few months ago I told you about the lack of information provided by a number of users who simply say “It Doesn’t Work”. One of the most basic things you should supply is the name of the software and the version you are using. A pet peeve of mine is...

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