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GIF Animation using Swish Minimax

Some simple things can be animated in Photo-PAINT directly. However, for smoother results, that comes from keyframing. This is when software generates the intermediate steps automatically. Basically, you move an item from point A to point B, and determine how long it...

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Cave Creek Geek Is Coming Soon

I’ve been bouncing around the idea of recording a fun and educational video series for quite some time. But I didn’t want to get the series started until I had a concept that truly excited me. Guess what? I have that idea and I hope you’ll be as...

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Scaling nodes

Hopefully most CorelDRAW users realize that the Property Bar changes, depending on what’s going in the document area. For example, if you double-click on a curve shape, you’ll see some functions that are specific to node manipulation. A user at in the...

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