Tip Archives

You’ll find our favorite tips to get the most out of your hardware and software.

What Bitmap Format Should I Use?

I was working on a magazine article a few days ago that included a step to save a bitmap file. What I didn’t explicitly state was the file format to use when saving. I must think differently than most people as JPG is not my first choice as I instead find...

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Math Functions in the CorelDRAW Property Bar

There are features hidden deep within most software and sometimes the features surface and get shared with users. One such feature is the ability to perform math functions in the CorelDRAW Property Bar. I wrote about this in 1999 in Creating Cool Graphs Without a...

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Making a Personal Style Sheet

I was asked by someone recently to look over their Web site and let them know if I found any spelling or grammar errors. No matter the quality of your writing and spelling, we all make these type of mistakes. I’m sure loyal readers find such mistakes in nearly...

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Do You NEED the Full Version of Photoshop?

I got an e-mail from someone who described themselves as a “Photoshop hobbyist” who used the software to create “grandchildren’s birthday cards.” This person was quite upset about Adobe moving the Creative Suite applications, including...

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Finding and Installing 32-Bit CorelDRAW X6


A couple of days ago I wrote 32-Bit CorelDRAW X6 Best Choice for Most Users. After it was posted, I have had a number of users ask me where to find it or they have told me it didn’t exist on their DVD. Today I want to explain the confusing naming on the DVD that...

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Slow Down, Take a Breath, Be Patient

Today I’m reminded about Aesop’s Fable about the tortoise and the hare. Sometimes our haste to get things done faster can cause a process to take longer. I still vividly remember one of the first projects I did in CorelDRAW. The year was 1992 and the...

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Have You Looked At It?

Back in March I created an updated Web design for a client. It solved quite a few issues they were having with the site and did represent a slight change in the overall look. At that time, I was told by an intermediary that the new design wasn’t acceptable and...

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Need to Dash? Use the Correct Dash!

Last week we talked about using typographic quotes instead of a measurement. This week I want to continue the discussion and make sure you are using the correct dashes. In most fonts you will find three distinct dashes and I’ve shown examples of each at right....

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